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10 neuromarketing strategies you should know

Neuromarketing is a discipline that applies neuroscience to the field of marketing to try to find out how the consumer brain works and how we can activate it to promote our brand, both at the level of promotional messages and the design of our products.


Neuromarketing, therefore, can bring a scientific dimension to our marketing and advertising strategy, as it is based on carrying out experiments in laboratories applying the scientific method to learn more about how our brain works in situations related to the purchase of products.

In this article we delve into this discipline so that you can understand it thoroughly and apply it to your strategies, which will bring you many benefits in terms of sales, brand recognition and loyalty.

Origins of neuromarketing

Gerald Zaltman, professor emeritus at Harvard Business School and author of several books on the subject, is considered the precursor of this term , since he was the first to establish its foundations in the 1990s by merging both disciplines (neuroscience and marketing) when carrying out different projects. He even carried out one of the first and most influential studies on the subject , which showed that purchasing decisions america phone number list are not as rational as we think, with emotions playing a fundamental role in the process .

But both this study and Zaltman’s conclusions were made possible by the advancement of functional magnetic resonance imaging devices in the 1990s, which allowed for real-time observation of brain activity.

However, as such, the concept was introduced in 2002 by Ale Smidts, Professor of Market Research at Erasmus University Rotterdam.

Since Zaltman’s discovery, the findings have become popular and interest in the topic has grown rapidly, to the point that both companies and academics have begun to exploit and use it.

What is neuromarketing for?

Therefore, applying neuromarketing will help us to remove subjective and preconceived thoughts when developing a marketing strategy. In this sense, emotional and more persuasive advertising messages can be created, which generate a better connection with the public.

But neuromarketing is not just about more positive impacts on you using the most appropriate words, but also about which design best captures the attention of consumers and why.

In short, it is a great ally when it comes to optimizing a brand’s communication strategy , allowing:

  • Knowing the consumer better

What aspects of our behavior does neuromarketing measure?

Neuromarketing studies base their list of us mobile phone numbers results on measuring three fundamental aspects of consumer behavior:Applying the various discoveries made in the field of neuromarketing to our marketing and advertising strategy can 10 neuromarketing have a very positive impact on the results of the strategy. This is because this branch of knowledge objectively understands what really motivates people to make their purchasing decisions and what their deepest emotions and desires are, those that they themselves do not even know about.

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