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8 benefits and issues with content marketing

Jehovah’s Witnesses, Coca Cola, Per Olaf Lundteigen and the Norwegian state… What do they all have in common? Are you unsure? It’s not so strange. The answer is that everyone uses content marketing. But are content marketing’s criticisms well enough elucidated?

This form of marketing is everywhere in Norway today. “Everybody does it,” my 10-year-old son likes to say. He does indeed use the phrase as a justification for the fact that he too must be allowed to do this as “everyone else does”. Here I will not only present 8 advantages of content marketing, but also 8 disadvantages so that you can decide for yourself whether you want to do like “everyone else” or not.

Both in relation to B2B and B2C marketing, there is a lot of enthusiasm in business. Nevertheless, there are still some who ask “why content marketing?”. Is it too late to start now? Is this just an industry fad that will blow over? Today you will hear about some of the content marketing issues.

Welcome to Norway’s largest guide to content marketing! It is aimed at those who want to learn more about content marketing in Norway. The guide’s table of contents can be found here .

If you are unsure exactly what content marketing is, you should go back to the main post in this series, which gives a more general overview of the subject.

8 Disadvantages 8 benefits and issues with content marketing of Content Marketing

There are a lot of positive things being said about the 8 benefits and issues with content marketing subject online these days. That’s why I start with content marketing’s critique. So here are 8 issues that may arise if you choose content marketing as a business model:


1. Content marketing is very resource-intensiveA disadvantage of content marketing is that it requires a lot of resources. Either someone must be hired to do the work, or it must be paid for in the form of time and work. Because it requires specialization in a number of technical fields, it is difficult to do the job all by yourself if you want to achieve good results. Here is a brief overview of what is required and what a digital marketer does . Remember that the work with the digital marketing comes after the content production!


2. Requires professional insight, training and production talent

When it comes to this form of marketing, it doesn’t help that you’re quick to learn new things. Marketing, on-page SEO, technical SEO, strategy, tactics and analysis are an absolute minimum of subject areas that must be mastered. Each subject requires 8 benefits and issues with content marketing a lot of effort to get to grips with, and on top of this comes the actual production of the content. In other words, you need a writer, filmmaker or designer, in addition to in-depth specialist knowledge, to realize your projects.

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3. Lack of a targeted strategy damages the work Content marketing can be a challenge for companies if few or no one has experience. Because it can take a long time to see results in the beginning, uncertainty often arises in relation to whether the measures are working. If you change your strategy often, you may experience not getting anything done. Without a good overall strategy, you run the risk of good work falling to pieces because the various components are not stitched together correctly.


4. Results take time 8 benefits and issues with content marketing with content marketing

A well-known problem many small businesses encounter 8 benefits and issues with content marketing is what pays off: advertising or content production. The former provides income quickly, but is expensive in return. The latter can provide income for decades, but takes time to build up. It is important to realize even before starting that it is an investment in the company. It can take months before you see results, and in many cases these will be modest until the site has built up a certain reputation. If you already have high digital authority , it will be faster to achieve results.


5. Results can be challenging to measure This is connected to the previous point. The longer the results are delayed, the more complicated it becomes to document a positive effect of the measures implemented. In those cases where digital analysis tools are set up correctly and in sufficient detail, it must be possible to trace the results back to the work that has been done. Nevertheless, it can be challenging to define exactly what led to conversion, especially where several digital campaigns are being carried out at the same time. Research shows that it usually requires more than one contact point to convert to a sale. Therefore, it can be difficult for content marketing purposes to show results if you do not have a specialist in the analysis of results on the team.


6. Competition in the market has increased

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Another well-known issue in relation to content marketing is whether it is too late to start. In recent years, content marketing has exploded. This has contributed to increased competition in the market. The industry is quickly getting better at creating solid content, and the marketing that is published is becoming increasingly difficult to discard in the search engines. In many niches, the competition has already become so fierce that you have to get professional actors to produce content. In time, this will spread to all industries.

…and that leads me to the next point

7. Content marketing alone is not always enoughIn Norway, the competition is somewhat less than in the rest of the world. Nevertheless, one can experience in certain industries, especially for newly started companies, that content marketing in itself is not enough. Then you may have to resort to advertising, such as Google Ads, to give marketing the little extra boost needed to get the snowball rolling.


8. You may be tempted to deviate from a new strategy

Many people find it easy to fall back into old habits when faced with adversity. This can also happen when you try a new strategy where content marketing is central. Maybe the boss suddenly turns out to be an “old dog who can’t learn to sit”? Instead of staying focused, he hands out other disruptive work tasks that interfere with the newly chosen marketing method. Or perhaps the employees simply do not get enough time to do both the new and the old tasks that have survived the paradigm shift.

Ok, there you have summed up 8 disadvantages how to participate and earn money of content marketing, and these can also be divided into even more subsections. Do you think that is a deterrent? Do not despair: If you are interested in trying this form of marketing, there are safe methods to avoid all 8 disadvantages. One of these measures could be to take a look at this free e-book that gives you 101 tips that lead to sales. For those at beginner and advanced level, it serves as a very good overview of what you should master. For experts, it works well as a to-do list. The book is divided into 10 different chapters, each of which deals with a different area within content marketing.

8 Benefits of Content Marketing

Among all marketing methods, there is a lot of positive input around content marketing. However, there may be some items on this list that you were not aware of. Now it’s time for the benefits of content marketing:


1. Content marketing usually results in increased sales When using content marketing, most people will probably experience better sales over time than with traditional marketing. There is a lot of data to back up this claim. Another post in this series tells ao lists you what the latest science says about the effectiveness of content marketing. We conducted a mini-meta-study in which we thoroughly searched for the most credible research that has compared content marketing and traditional marketing in recent years.

None of the research articles showed a neutral or negative effect of content marketing compared to traditional marketing. All showed a positive effect. This also agrees well with smaller, non-scientific studies that have been carried out in the last decade.


2. Produced content has an intrinsic value

The difference between traditional advertising and the production of own content is a bit like the difference between renting and owning a house. Renting is in a way synonymous with “throwing money out the window” in the sense that resources are constantly being used up. If you buy a house and produce your own material, you will own the value in the house and in what you have produced. In the same way, good content production is an investment in the company’s future, and becomes an addition to an ever-growing portfolio of good content. Therefore, we can say that content marketing provides an intrinsic value in the form of the content that is produced.


3. Content marketing is cost-savingAnother advantage of this method is that it is cost-saving. There is money to be saved in the right use of content marketing, but probably not in the first period. This is because the results always come after the production. Back to the analogy above: If buying a house is equivalent to your content production, then advertising is equivalent to renting a house. In the long run, you’ll save money because created content continues to convert into sales long after it’s been created and put to use.


4. Reach out to new customer groups

Because today’s society is permeated with advertising, there will always be a group of people who simply do not see ads and other promotions. I know this because I am one of them myself. I simply have a filter installed in my brain that ignores interference. Pop-ups, ads and commercials bounce off like raindrops on an oil well. It is much more difficult to ignore content that differs from “typical Norwegian advertising” in that it engages and interests. This means that you reach customer groups that you would otherwise not have been able to contact using content marketing; You will, among other things, reach me . How about Einstein below here? Did you see the banner before I pointed out it was there? Does it work better than traditional advertising?

5. Customers become more loyalIn many cases, content marketing is tough, entertaining or helpful. Therefore, it is often appreciated more. There is therefore also a greater chance that people will talk about the company and promote it to others because they are excited by the content. When using content marketing, customers thus become ambassadors for your company. This is one of the basic principles behind inbound marketing , which is closely related to content marketing.


6. Builds the company’s digital authority

Now we get into one of the biggest benefits of content marketing. Inbound links to websites are the most important factor when it comes to building authority online. The second most important factor is publishing quality content. But ironically; without quality content, there will be no basis for getting these links. Not sure what authority is ? You will find out more at the start of the blog post on the link above. Towards the end of the same post, you get 6 simple moves to increase authority.


7. Provides a greater overview of the marketingThe whole principle of content marketing is based on an idea that digital tracking and analysis of results allows for change and adaptation that provides effective marketing strategies. You can read about this in detail in the fifth pillar of content marketing .

In content marketing, it is usually the companies themselves that set up systems to track traffic and conversions. Advertising often comes with tracking in the system where you advertise. This means that the possibilities for flexibility and adaptation in relation to performance measurements are usually smaller when you use traditional advertising.


8. Traffic increases exponentially with content productionIf you follow good SEO practices , do internal and external linking correctly, and write good content , the so-called “link juice” will flow. That is, the connections between your various articles, and the sources you refer to, invite increased traffic, which builds digital authority. The more quality content you publish, the higher the hit rate your website will get. This in turn will result in the potential for additional clicks via internal links becoming greater. This is how you create a virtuous circle that increases your website’s reputation on the Internet and generates more web traffic.

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