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Advantages and disadvantages of using the method

The main feature of the 360-degree method is its circular assessment. It helps to evaluate a person from all sides. It happens that an employee uses one behavior model with a manager, and another with colleagues or subordinates. Thanks to a comprehensive analysis, you can even see those character traits that a person tries to hide from managers.

Real-world assessment

This is a method for assessing a person in a work gambling data taiwan setting. That is, participants recall instances of a person’s behavior, rather than imagining how that person would behave in an artificially simulated situation.

Possibility of carrying out the work yourself

Personnel assessment can be carrid out without involving external experts. For example, HR specialists apply this method using special services.

Identifying the causes of problems or career growth points

The method is usd to identify growth points, for professional development. Sometimes the manager does not understand how to increase the efficiency of the starting your freelance business easily employee. The assessment helps to determine the level of development of his competencies and find out what hinders him in his work. The 360-degree method allows you to find the causes of problems or give an incentive to develop the skills that the team values ​​in the employee.

Disadvantages of the method

Let us note the limitations associatd with the method.

Preparing for the survey and data analysis

We said above that an employee can be assessd without resorting to the help of outside experts. However, thorough preparation is still important on the part of the HR specialist. Formulation of the questionnaire and data analysis require an understanding of the methodology.

Limitd use

We have given various examples of the method’s contact lists application, but it is still not a universal option. The method is not usd in matters of personnel bonuses, in decisions on dismissal or salary increases.

The 360 ​​degree assessment method can be use in the context of employee certification as one of the assessment tools.

The factor of unreliability of data

The method may not work, despite following all the rules. Firstly, no matter what the atmosphere in the team is, no one has cancelled personal sympathy or hostility towards a person. Therefore, some subjectivity of assessment on the part of people may be present.

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