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The QPVs of the overseas departments and

Territories were update on 1 January 2025 based on population census data.

Following this update? INSEE now The QPVs  publishes data files jointly on the old QPV zoning (known as “QPV 2015”) and on the new one (“QPV 2024”). The continuation of the publication in QPV 2015 is a strong request from urban policy stakeholders? in particular in order to be able to monitor over the long term neighborhoods that have The QPVs left the priority geography in 2024.

The overlap between the two zonings

leads to an increase in the risk of breach namibia phone number library of statistical confidentiality: when two zones are close without being perfectly identical? it can be easy to deduce elements on the difference between these two zones from the aggregated statistics disseminated alone (this is called “geographic differentiation”).

This blog post looks at this increase in the risk of breach of statistical confidentiality and presents the new method used by INSEE to guarantee the confidentiality of data disseminated on QPVs. The Institute is studying the application of similar methods to other use cases in the future.

Ensuring statistical confidentiality

The protection of statistical confidentiality is effective strategies for promoting dental services on social media enshrine in the 1951 Act on the obligation? coordination and confidentiality of statistics. For a given source? dissemination rules ensure that no information relating to fewer than “x” persons? households or businesses is reveale.

This dissemination threshol “x” is set by the data producer? for example at 11 households for household tax data or at 5 individuals for information relating to job seekers.

These rules apply both to the direct disclosure aero leads of information (primary confidentiality). And also in the event of indirect disclosure (secondary confidentiality).

In the latter case? it is typically a matter of not allowing the reconstitution of a component by the difference between the total and the sum of the other components: for example? from the total number of job seekers and the number of job seekers aged 26 and over? it is possible to determine the number of job seekers aged under 26.

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