Below the poverty line (defined as 60% of the median The poverty standard of living) than in the population as a whole: in farming households reaches 16.2%, while it is 14.4% in metropolitan France.
But it is also true at the top of the distribution
The 9th decile The poverty of standard of living is higher within farming households than in the population as a whole.
By studying agricultural profits separately from malta phone number library other income from work, but also from income from assets, pensions, retirement, annuities, or even social benefits, the contribution of each of these categories of resources varies greatly with the standard of living of the agricultural household ( figure 4) .
Agricultural profits, which amount to an average of €17,500 per farmer in 2020, represent on average 34% of the disposable income of agricultural households. As in the population as a whole, the weight of income from activities (agricultural profits and other income from activities) increases with the standard of living, going from half of the composition of disposable income for the 10% of the poorest agricultural households to more than 80% for the 20% of the wealthiest households.
Conversely, the relative contribution of pensions
Retirement benefits, annuities and social benefits is a thread that connects to increasingly lower as the standard of living of the agricultural household increases: it represents 10% of disposable income on average but up to 46% for the poorest households.
Income from assets represents on aero leads average 22% of the disposable income of agricultural households, a significantly higher share than for the population as a whole (9% in 2020). These incomes from assets are highly concentrated: the 10% of agricultural households with the highest standard of living receive 48% of all income from assets.
Figure – Average composition of disposable income of agricultural households in 2020, according to position in the distribution of standard of living.