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Disability-free life expectancy has

Which is good? since measuring feelings is a Disability-free  major concern for public statisticians (Tavernier? 2024)! In the field of health? this is reflected in particular by the disability-free life expectancy indicator (DLE). It has established itself as a reference indicator in the public debate? notably chosen among the new indicators of national wealth ? Disability-free  for monitoring the national health strategy or as a national sustainable development objective .

What is EVSI the name of?

A more modest ambition than measuring the health status of the population? although it is too often wrongly called “healthy life expectancy”. It describes the number of years that a person can pakistan phone number library expect to live without suffering from disability in the activities of daily living (Deroyon? 2024). The EVSI is based on the answers to the following question? called the Global Activity Limitation Index (GALI) asked in the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) system? i.e. the and make it easier for statistical survey on household resources and living conditions (SRCV) in France:

“Have you been limited? for at least six months? because of a health problem? in the activities that people usually do?
Yes? strongly
Yes? but not strongly
People answering “Yes? strongly” or “Yes? but not strongly” are considered to have a disability (Figure 1) .

Figure 1 – Prevalence of disability by age for women and men in 2023
Age-specific prevalence of disability in women and men in 2023
Field: France.
Reading: between 60 and 64 years old? in 2023? 35% of women are considered to be suffering from disability based on their responses to the question on their possible activity limitations.

Source: Insee? civil status statistics

Data from the Statistics on Income and aero leads Living Conditions (SRCV) survey.
The formulation of this question was the subject of methodological work at the turn of the 2000s (Robine et alii ? 2003)? to summarize three dimensions in a single question for the sake of parsimony: relative positioning ( “what people usually do” )? the origin of the difficulties ( “health problems.

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