When it comes to branding and enhancing their image, companies are increasingly turning to Influencer Marketing
campaigns , since these types of actions are less expensive than traditional advertising and are also not as
invasive , since as they are content of interest to the user, they do not usually perceive them as commercial actions and
are much more receptive to them. Of all the social networks, Instagram seems to have crowned itself as the queen of
influencer marketing . Therefore, in this post we are going to develop the keys to Instagram Influencer Marketing and how to develop an effective campaign with Instagram influencers.
Are you struggling to find the right influencers for your campaigns?
Although Instagram has grown its user base considerably over gambling data vietnam the past five years, there are still many people who are not familiar with this social network. For those who don’t know, here is an introduction to what an Instagram Influencer is, how to do Instagram Influencer Marketing, and why it is important for your business:
- What are Instagram influencers?
- The growth of Instagram influencer marketing
- Tips for your Instagram influencer marketing campaign
- How to measure the success of your Instagram marketing actions with influencers
What are Instagram influencers?
Instagram influencers or instagrammers are users who have acquired credibility and a community around them. Through their posts they can persuade other users, thanks to the trust that they the transition matrix respects certain constraints place in them and the authenticity of their content and opinions.
Not everyone who has an Instagram account can become an Instagram influencer. Instagram influencers have a certain amount of influence and engagement with their followers or audiences. They are thought leaders in their niche or area of expertise. And brands want to capitalize on that.
An Instagram influencer doesn’t have to have a large following to be successful, but they must be engaged with their audience and their audience with them. That being said, an Instagrammer’s primary role in influencer marketing is to help increase the profile and engagement towards a brand. This is achieved by posting content (photos, videos, reels or carousels).
The growth of Instagram influencer marketing
Instagram Influencer It is worth noting that currently 41% of companies allocate 5% of their budget to Influencer
Marketing campaigns , even Google trends has bosnia and herzegovina leads announced a 400% growth in searches
for the term “Influencer Marketing” in recent months. Over the years there has been a change in the way
influencer marketing is executed , first it focused mainly on blogs, then it moved to Youtube and now, it’s all about Instagram.
41% of companies allocate 5% of their budget to Influencer. Marketing campaigns, as they are less expensive and less invasive than other types of advertising
According to a study presented by the Association of Advertising, Marketing and Communication in Spain –
IAB Spain-, Instagram is the social network that has grown the most in market share in 2018. Many influencers
have found in this network a space in which to share their daily lives in a very creative way , since it allows them to
exploit the visual component of the actions and, in addition, it has a large community of users .