Facebook has been testing new AI solutions that it wants to introduce to its messenger for a year now. The new feature is supposed to scan our messages and suggest the best solutions. The artificial intelligence called M will track the course of our conversation, so it can suggest, for example, transferring funds if our conversation concerns it or suggesting an Uber ride when we arrange a oman email list meeting. In addition, we can share our location or take a survey – all thanks to M’s suggestions.
What about our privacy?
What’s more, the artificial intelligence will work on the principle of on Messenger learning. If it notices that we are not using certain functions, it will stop asking about them over time. The whole mechanism is probably based on catching words in a specific configuration. The first users will be residents of the United States using iOS and Android. However, it is only a matter of time cuba leads before this function is made available to other countries.
Facebook’s announcements have sparked a discussion about the security of our how to create an action plan: a straightforward guide for marketers online conversations. However, this turns out to be completely unfounded, because no Facebook employee will be able to read our conversations. An algorithm that does not require human assistance will be used for scanning.
photo: Facebook
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