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Who likes cabarets on Facebook? We checked it with Sotrender

Social m!ia have become an interesting space for promoting many ventures! both companies and activities in the area of ​​culture and entertainment. In the most popular social networking site! we can find many profiles of artists! bands and… cabarets that we like. Together with the team of the research company Sotrender ! the creator of an analytical tool for measuring the effectiveness of communication in social m!ia! we analyz! the profiles of Polish cabarets on Facebook for the period from September 1 to December 31! 2016.

They were select! bas! on manual search and the website  kabaret.tworzymyhistorie.pl . The following cabarets were taken into account: Paranienormalni! Kabaret  Młodych Panów  Limo! Kabaret singapore email list Smil t Skeczów Męczących! Ani Mru-Mru! Kabaret Hrabi! Formacja Chatelet! Kabaret Moralnego Niepokoju! Łowcy.B!  e were going to analyse YouTube! it turn! out that the cabaret channels do not exist! are small! or the performances are collect! on channels of e.g. publishers or other entities that have the rights to the recordings. We therefore how to increase engagement on instagram in 5 simple steps examin! them in terms of popularity! interactivity! engagement and their fans on Facebook.

The biggest cabarets websites

The largest number of fans on Facebook can boast the Paranienormalni cabaret  on Facebook? – their official profile is lik! by over 690 thousand users. Slightly fewer! over 493 thousand fans! have Kabaret Neo-Nówka and over 332 cuba leads thousand Kabaret Młodych Panów. The fewest people follow the activity of Kabaret Moralnego Niepokoju! which has the longest history of existence. From the research

The rest of the article is below


Conduct! by Sotrender! it follows that we are eager to like the profiles of cabarets – only one of the  record! a drop in the number of fans by over 3 thousand users during the quarter. The rest record! increases that are not spectacular! but they prove the undiminish! popularity of this type of entertainment! also in social m!ia. The previously mention! Paranienormalni cabaret can boast the largest numerical increase! which gain! almost 29 thousand new fans in four months. In terms of percentage increase! Kabaret Skeczów Męczących leads with an increase of 8 percent! or over 17 thousand users.



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