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4 social aspects of building a legal mailing list

Email is one of the most widely used marketing channels – every minute, email users send around 204 million messages . This translates into generated profits. 66% of consumers make transactions online thanks to the email campaign they received.

Email marketing sales results that outclass other channels mean that sending to external databases is also very popular, which is a very good solution when you want to start your activities right away, without waiting to collect your turkey email list own database. To choose the right provider of this type of service, you need to know what distinguishes professional email brokers from spammers who how to create a local seo strategy that works will only waste your time and money. See what activities make sending to external databases really effective.

1) Permission marketing, i.e. the consent of recipients to receive messages

What distinguishes professional mailing database administrators is, above all, having consent to conduct mailings from external partners . In order to legally provide such services, the broker must have the following consents lob directory obtained from its subscribers:

Processing of personal data for marketing purposes in accordance of building  with the Personal Data Protection Act of 29 August 1997 (Journal of Laws No. 133, item 883),
Sending commercial/marketing information electronically in accordance with the Act on the provision of services by electronic means of 18 July 2002 for the database administrator and its business partners.

Only if the broker has


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also gives this second consent, can legally offer you to send to their database. Having it means that subscribers are aware that they will also receive messages from external entities and have given their consent.

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