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And some more facts for last

According to this theory, to stop the growing crime epidemic, you need to put glass in your house. Glass the entire street. Stop letting circumstances play against you and start managing them.


Let’s get back to the fight against crime in New York

The circumstances there were conducive to the growth of lawlessness. The number one task was to “glaze the houses”. In the case of New York, the government decided to start with the subway. The cars at that time were covered with graffiti, obscenities, garbage was lying everywhere, it was dirty. The turnstiles were broken, and the trains ran haphazardly. It was decided to clean all the trains – even if someone managed to dirty the car again, with the help of washing stations at certain stops the dirt was quickly removed.

Thus, people no longer felt like they were

A garbage dump – and it began to work. This fight against vandalism lasted for 6 years . They also fought against minor offenses. They began chinese overseas asia database arresting people for riding without a ticket, for public drunkenness, for damaging property. From 1990 to 1994, the number of arrests for minor offenses increased 5 times. Do not think that everything can be fine with a wave of a magic wand. But the monotonous and persistent fight against these seemingly trifles became a turning point in preventing the crime epidemic.

150 is the maximum number of people in a group . When communication between them will be effective. When there are more people, the throughput drops, and with it the quality of interaction. This is the so-calledDunbar’s number. But this is a topic for a separate article.The number 150 seems to represent the maximum number of individuals with whom we can have meaningful social relationships, where we know who these people are and how they relate to us.

*Stickiness should not be confused with contagiousness

The content may be sticky, but it is the messenger that makes it contagious. Here it is worth remembering mirror neurons – areas of our crawler data brain responsible for automatic and unconscious imitation. Someone yawns – and we yawn, someone looks at their phone – we take out ours and stare at the screen. Emotions, behavior, lifestyle are contagious. Link it to a product or an idea – the flywheel of the epidemic will start.

Contagiousness is largely a function of the messenger. Stickiness is primarily a property of the message itself.


Wilson and George Kelling. According to it, crime is seen as a child of disorder. For example, if a window in a house is broken, or if there how can foreign businesses tailor are no panes of glass, then the surrounding people consider this to be the norm and a lack of responsibility for anything. Soon all the windows in the house will be broken, and then those of the neighboring ones, and so on. This feeling of impunity will take over the public mind.


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