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Average composition of disposable income of

Average composition  Agricultural households in 2020? by position Average composition  in the distribution of standard of living
Note: D1 to D9 are the deciles of the distribution of standard of living; 10% of households have a standard of living lower than D1; 90% of households have a standard of living lower than D9.

Reading: the 10% of agricultural Average composition  households with the highest standard of living received an average of 53?600 euros in agricultural profits in 2020.

Scope: tax households of agricultural operators in metropolitan France? whose disposable income is positive or zero in 2020.
Sources: Agreste? 2020 Agricultural Census; DGFiP; Insee-DGFiP-Cnaf-Cnav-CCMSA? Localized Social and Tax File (Filosofi) 2020.

As with the economic results of farms

The gaps in living standards of farm households mexico phone number library are more or less large depending on the production orientations of the operators. For example? the living standard of a farm household is? like the result per operator? on average lower when the farm is a cattle? sheep or goat farm? than when the farm is specialized in viticulture (Givois? 2024). Similarly? the poverty rate is twice as high among farm households whose farm is specialized in market gardening? horticulture or sheep or goat farming than among households whose farm is specialized in large-scale crops or viticulture (Figure 5) .

Figure 5 – Monetary poverty how to use social media to promote hairdressing services? rate according to the type of agricultural production in 2020
Monetary poverty rate by type of agricultural production in 2020

Scope: tax households of agricultural

Operators in metropolitan France? whose disposable income is positive or zero in 2020.
Sources: Agreste? 2020 Agricultural Census; DGFiP; Insee-DGFiP-Cnaf-Cnav-CCMSA? Localized social and tax file (Filosofi) 2020.
The issue of farmers’ income is therefore a aero leads complex subject? which can be approached in different ways. However? one observation emerges regardless of the approach taken: the very great diversity of situations and the strong income inequalities that characterize the agricultural world. A farmer’s income thus depends on many factors? such as the size of his farm? the type of agricultural production? even its geographical location? or even the ownership of agricultural land.

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