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Because YouTube was initially only

A video-sharing platform PHP sufficed to meet the minimal. Programming requirements. With the use of JavaScript technologies. YouTube was able to modify its interface, create a fast and functional website as well as application. Facebook The task for Facebook’s engineers has been to keep the site up and working in the face of over two billion active users. Facebook continues to use PHP, but it has developed a compiler for it so that it may be converted. To native code on its web servers, resulting in improved performance. For its various services. Facebook employs a variety of languages.

The front end developer language is

Written in PHP, the chat is written in Erlang, and Java and  are used in a few places. Thrift is an internally built cross-language framework that connects all. These distinct languages, allowing them to communicate with one another. Twitter Twitter Overview Twitter has always been a proponent of open-source software, and the new web Mexico Phone Number List client is no exception. A variety of additional open-source scripts and jQuery plugins were used. With outstanding contributions to open-source JavaScript development, front end languages at Twitter continue to grow.

Instagram Boasting million active monthly

Users in December  Instagram’s engineers strive to develop. A seamless app that can manage the user load. Instagram’s user app is created in React Native. A cross-platform front end developer language that works on both iOS Canada Phone Number List and Android. Instagram’s back-end (server-side) employs Python the Django framework and HTML. Front end development languages Baidu Baidu’s user interface is more of a replica than Google Chrome.

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