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Computer Vision We all know what computer vision is

If you don’t, then it is the vision that machines and computers have. With this vision, machines analyze graphics, images and videos. This vision is largely used for security, safety, optimization and quality check purposes. Moreover, with the help of machine learning, computers have decreased the chances of errors from % (in ) to % (in ). Which is of great significance! Yet ML is not perfect and has its own disadvantages. Let’s have a look into them too! But Machine Learning has its limits too! But Machine Learning has its limits too! Even though ML plays a vital role in automating much of the processes, it isn’t perfect.

Hence, in this section we will discuss

The limits till which ML can extend itself. So, let’s get started! ML systems need huge, unbiased and high-quality data to train itself. The algorithms require ample time to train itself before providing accurate results. Different algorithms serve Japan Telegram Number Data different purposes. So, you may get inaccurate results by choosing the wrong algorithm. Machine learning algorithms are vulnerable to errors. Since using small data sets can lead to biased results which can trigger a serious chain of events.

And that can take even longer

Time to resolve. And here’s a visual description of the challenges. The chart represents organizations facing issues while deploying and Indonesia Telegram Number List using machine learning (, and ). Challenges And with that we come to the end of this article. But we are still left with one question. Will machine learning dominate other technolog

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