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Guide: Create a digital strategy with 7 steps!

 Marketing on the Internet can be a challenge. Like the man in the picture above, it can feel a bit like being in free fall, with a very steep learning curve at the start. This article mitigates the fall by explaining how to shape a digital strategy so that you can, among other things, increase the digital presence of your business. At the very end, you can download an Activity Plan for the digital marketing so that you can keep order when the measures are launched.

In our previous article , we explained key concepts such as vision, strategy, tactics and campaigns and more. Furthermore, we showed the hierarchical relationship between some terms that digital marketers use. To get the full benefit of this article, I recommend taking a quick look there.

Online marketing today is largely about automating digital communication with potential customers. But before we can automate it, we need to understand it and learn from practical examples. So what is a digital strategy and what does a digital marketer do? And how do you succeed with a separate digital strategy for your company, step by step?

What is a digital Guide: Create a digital strategy strategy?

digital strategy , or digital marketing strategy , is a plan that helps your business achieve the overall digital goal. This is achieved by focusing on selected channels, both among earned , owned and paid content sharing platforms. The goal of most digital strategies is increased conversion to sales on the Internet.

Digital marketing opens up opportunities that do not exist within traditional analogue marketing:

  • The production of material for promotion goes faster.
  • Opens up the possibility of two-way communication in addition to one-way communication.
  • Data about potential customers can be collected in real time and archived in a CRM.
  • Detailed analyzes can strengthen marketing and hit the target group better.

The digital marketing strategy is therefore subordinate to the marketing strategy, which is therefore often referred to as overall strategy, or overall goal . In a way, the digital strategy is very similar to a marketing strategy, with the essential difference that the objective is linked to digital results. Before embarking on a digital strategy, I would recommend first putting in place a general marketing strategy for all spheres of the business.

The objective for a digital strategy could, for example, be to double the number of leads on your own website, compared to the year before. In this case, the sum of the planned measures that must be initiated to achieve the objective will constitute the digital strategy. In order to reach the goal, one often has to carry out several measures on different platforms using different resources.

1. Identify target Guide: Create a digital strategy group / Create persona!

There are several possible marketing methods within digital promotion of products and services. If you are going to bet on a strategy where content marketing is central, you should use personas . Then the matter is beef! With such an approach, you will also get the most out of this article.

Personas are fictitious representatives of the target group you are targeting. These are constructed by analyzing real customers.

Personas are used because there are several articles or blog posts that need to be created for different target groups and different phases these target groups are in. Therefore, it tends to become very complicated to keep track of all the content and its function.

Use raw data to create these personalities! But what kind of data? It depends on several factors, such as whether you conduct marketing within B2B or B2C , what your product costs, and what the overall goal of the marketing is.

While creating an account on Telegram telegram database the user has to provide phone number and other basic information. Telegram mining can now earn money. Telegram chat history is usually stored in a cloud-based system, which allows users to access it from different locations on their devices. Telegram has been able to overcome these issues with a cloud based system.

2. Identify objectives and necessary digital tools!

At the top of the hierarchy is the initiative’s vision. This sets the stage for the overall marketing strategy. The digital strategy is again subordinate to this. So what should your digital objective be?

If the goal of your business is to increase turnover by 15 percent, the digital objective could be something like achieving 40 percent more visibility on the Internet than the year before.

Today, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of digital tools. Which of these your company needs will be determined by which strategy and which objectives are chosen. Maybe you need Hootsuite to keep order when publishing content in social media. Or maybe you need vidIQ to optimize your company’s videos for SEO?

The tools that every digital marketer needs are Google Analytics , Google Search Console and Aherfs (or equivalent). Find your tools and make them part of your system! Don’t forget that tools like Slack can be useful for communicating and systematizing production within the company!


3. Evaluate current use of digital channels and content

telegram database

To fully understand this section, you need to know the difference between owned, earned and paid sources of digital attention. You can read more about that in Content Marketing Guide’s post; How to Succeed in Content Marketing . The link above will take you to the correct chapter.

Now you must categorize all content and all media for digital communication that you have/use. Create an Excel sheet where you differentiate between owned, earned and paid resources! Keep your focus on the big picture!

If the work with SEO and content is optimal, it should be possible to avoid advertising, but sometimes paid digital visibility can be worth the investment. If used correctly, it can return far more than it costs.

 Let’s imagine that the purpose of your e-book on how to prepare the best tenderloin was to collect leads. Now you can note how many leads it generated, or what percentage of those who visited the page ended up converting.

Also consider whether the chosen channel for distribution may be wrong! For example, Pinterest will not work very well for B2B businesses in Norway. But maybe tenderloin converts better on Facebook?

. And who knows…? Maybe you’ll find a tip or two that you hadn’t thought of?

4. Plan owned digital campaigns!

Google My Business and own website also belong to this group.

If you are not already doing so, you must reviews of berlitz online courses in chile measure all your processes. The most common way to do this is to set up conversion tracking in Google Analytics . It will help you track customers’ digital journey and desired actions performed (sales, downloads, etc.) on the website. You get the most benefit from content marketing if you use so-called sales funnels.

You can read more about that in another article in the Content Marketing Guide: Get the sales funnel under your skin with Liv Ullmann!

For online stores with more than a handful of products, it would be wise to implement (Enhanced) Ecommerce .

After you have found out which resources you have that create owned digital attention and how you currently distribute these, the evaluation can begin: How do these fit in with the business’s overall digital goals? Maybe you have to get rid of someone? Maybe new ones need to be made? Which ones?

5. Plan deserved digital campaigns!

Evaluate your previous digital attention from deserved media! If relevant to your goal, you can identify where the traffic, lead generation and conversions are coming from. In the Excel sheet, you can now rank the best sources in relation to these three parameters.

Remember that you can leverage content in all three categories – owned, earned and paid – to your advantage.

How do you take advantage of deserved digital visibility?

For example, you can choose to highlight aqb directory mentions of your company in social media or on your company’s website.

Maybe people share the company’s content on social media?  Or maybe you’ve simply done such a good job with SEO that traffic is pouring in from Google like cloudbursts from the sky. Here it is important to get an overview of what kind of deserved digital visibility you have and how best to reinforce this.


6. Plan paid media campaigns!

The process of mapping paid campaigns is very similar to what you have already done: If you have paid advertising, you need to assess its effectiveness. In contrast to digital attention through owned and earned platforms, you should see an immediate effect to a greater extent with advertising. Also remember that it’s never a bad idea to wait with paid campaigns. The reason for that is that you will get the most out of them when all the other pieces have fallen into place.

Let’s take a look at one example of how paid campaigns can boost successful owned and earned campaigns so that they perform even more.

Now I’m back with the tenderloin! Let’s say you also wrote an e-book on how to prepare it.  advertising!

The measure can generate more traffic to the landing page completely free of charge. Then you can, for example, advertise in the ad that 10,000 have already downloaded the e-book.


7. Coordinate all digital campaigns into a digital strategy!

If we are to take the theory of relativity seriously, it actually means that nothing is objective , which is difficult for most people to understand the consequences of, even 100 years after Einstein’s discoveries. But you don’t have to fully understand the consequences to benefit from today’s lessons. The only thing you need to understand is this:

If even the physical world is not necessarily as we perceive it, it is quite obvious that social conditions and business models are even less objective.

This again means that there is a lot of room to change, test and participate in the constant development. Don’t be afraid to try something new, to change your perspective or throw all assumptions out the window and start over!

But in order for you to have a model to discard, I must complete…

Now it will be about your overall strategy for the digital sphere. It is really just a mapping of the measures you must implement to realize your goals. Since you have already found the measures that work best, you are already halfway there.

Keep up the good work with the excel sheet! You can keep going the good trend of distinguishing between owned, earned and paid digital visibility. Make plans for the next 6-12 months! If the company is brand new, the targets may be shorter. For well-established companies, the targets can be longer if appropriate.

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