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How is it done? 10 steps to effective email marketing

If you are interested in increasing the number of repeat sales and increasing the customer life cycle, then you should definitely include such a useful tool as email newsletters in your marketing activities.

In this article, I’ll tell you where effective email marketing begins and what you need to do to ensure your efforts bear fruit.

Step 1. Determine the key needs of the target audience

This is an important step that needs to be taken very seriously. Without understanding the real driving need of your customers, all your chinese overseas europe database activations are doomed to failure.

Conduct an analysis of the target audience, identify a number of values ​​that connect them and your company (for example: caring for family, striving for development). Based on the values, you can identify the needs that need to be satisfied and emphasized. Then it will be much easier to build further interaction – you will understand what your clients want from you, and you will provide it to them.

Step 2. Define the goals and objectives of communication

What do you want to achieve with email marketing? What should the reader of your newsletter do? Should they make a purchase? Or just stages of slow scaling read the material? Come to new thoughts and decisions? In general, ask yourself as many questions as possible and answer them as honestly as possible.

Depending on the goals and objectives, the content of the mailing will be different. If your goal is to sell, then the mailings will be commercial. If the goal is to grow the client and form a need in him, then the mailings should be educational.

Don’t forget about trigger mailings. They will allow you to solve specific tasks, such as greetings, gratitude, abandoned cart reminders, etc.

Read more about triggered mailings in thisarticle.

Step 3. Developing a mailing template

An email is essentially the same web page, only instead of a website we have a mail service. And here it is also important to remember about the crawler data interface and usability. The design of the letter is no less important – after all, they meet you by your clothes, and it is important that the reader sees quality work in front of him.

Step 10. Send, analyze

Before sending a letter, be sure to do a test send. To check if the layout has crept up and if everything is in its place. Then, when you are sure that everything is in order, you can send it. But this is just the beginning – now you need to track the effectiveness of this communication, analyze all the details and results, and then think about how to make your mailing even better. And everything starts in a circle.

For information on optimal sending times, useful facts, and other food for thought, check out this presentation.

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