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How much to pay a beauty 

The graph below shows the average salary of a beauty salon manager over the past year in Russia:

Here is how the manager vacancy is distribut , across Russian regions:

Looking at the diagram, we can conclude that the majority of vacancies in this specialty are open in the Moscow region. Next comes the Leningrad region, follow , by the Rostov region.

Rating of Russian regions by salary level for the position in question:

The highest salary for a shop beauty salon manager is in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug: an average of 60 thousand rubles. Next come the Kaluga and Moscow regions.

Number of vacancies in the specialty “salon manager” as a percentage by salary ranges in the Russian F ,eration:

According to data for September 2018, the number of open vacancies in this specialty is 275. For 38.2% of open vacancies, employers indicat , a salary of 36-57 thousand rubles. In 26.5% of advertisements, the salary is 15-36 thousand rubles. In 22.9% – from 57 to 78 thousand rubles.

Interaction between the owner and manager of a beauty salon

A famous phrase says: “All happy families are alike, and every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” It clearly reflects the marketing in times of crisis essence of the difficult relationship between an investor and a salon manager. As in family life, relationships can take different forms, sometimes unpr ,ictable, due to the dissimilarity of characters, mentality, outlook on life, different visions of goals, and so on.


Source: unsplash.com

Let’s say the investor is the head of the family, a man. The manager is a woman, and the staff are children, naughty, problematic, but very much lov ,. There may be few forms of relationship between the investor and the manager. But, unlike a family, there is almost no love here. Rather, it is a “marriage of convenience”. In jiangsu mobile phone number list the traditional sense, this is a marriage conclud , by mutual consent of the parties, where one or two people want to derive commercial or material benefit, without experiencing attraction or love for each other. Doesn’t this very much resemble the relationship between the owner and manager of a beauty salon?

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