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How to choose influencers for my campaign

There is no single way, in fact it is just the opposite, there are a lot of criteria that you can use to narrow down the search for the influencer that interests you. For example

  • According to the sector of activity

You don’t have to be Einstein to come to the conclusion that a well-known personality in your sector of activity will provide you with a good number of potential users of your product.

While this doesn’t necessarily always have to be the case, it is a starting point that will allow you to spot some interesting potential candidates.

  • According to the social network of your target audience

As you already know,The user profile varies significantlyfrom gambling data taiwanone social network to another. If you have a clear target audience, it will be very easy for you to know which type of social network is closest to the preferences of your target audience, and therefore you can limit your search for influencers to that network.

  • According to the age range of the followers

Each influencer has a different profile of followers, and the age ranges of these can be a key statistical data when choosing the right influencer. The reason? Age is a determining factor in aspects related to sales.

Tools for finding influencers: agility and objectivity

With all this, you might be thinking that choosing the right influencer is a crazy task, and that only a data geek is capable of evaluating all these variables. And in a way, you are right.

For this reason, over time, professionals have been using tools that make their work easier when it comes to filtering and selecting audiences, ensuring that choosing the how to optimize your budget?  influencer does not become such a complex task.

Nowadays there are tools that display all kinds of useful information about profiles and working with influencers, such as Influencity .

Influencity software features for working with influencers

Influencity is one of the best my campaign tools available when it comes to collecting and organizing relevant information for decision-making in a campaign. Its versatility and detail are so amazing that if you have previously launched campaigns with influencers without much success, you will regret not having known about it sooner.

The segmentation possibilities are almost endless:

  • On the one hand, you can choose influencers by the content they post about .
  • With over 25 topics to choose from, you’ll be hard pressed not to find someone posting about the topic you’re interested in.

This first step is very simple, the difficult part is how to choose influencers within that topic, who are truly the right ones and will give your campaign the impact and repercussion you want to achieve.

For this, you have new tools that allow you to detect which are colombia business directory the most relevant influencers for your brand, checking their KPIs on different social networks and knowing the results offered by their publications, or studying the profile of the people who follow them .

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