We are used to seeing influencers on our Instagram feed or in YouTube videos running campaigns related to a product
launch. But what about those who are already on the market?
#ErasesEverythingThis is a new campaign by Maybelline that shows that campaigns with influencers are not only
effective for the launch phase but also for reminding consumers of their existence and, why not, their effectiveness.
The product to be promoted belongs to the beauty world and consists of an imperfection eraser (hence the campaign
hashtag) and as we can see in the publications of the influencers who have participated in the campaign, it also moisturizes.
Search results for the hashtag #loborratodo
Results of the #LoBorraTodo campaign
Analysing the results offered by the Influencity software, the campaign has achieved, and by far, the objective that Maybelline Spain surely set itself with these actions.
As we can see from the top posts, #LoBorraTodo has raised skype database more than $20,000 on InstagramEarned
Media, have reached almost 2,000,000 people and have achieved an engagement rate of 7%. In addition, the majority of
the impacted audience are women (73.3%) between 24 and 35 years old. In other words, a campaign success.
Results offered by Influencity software for the set of 6 publications by Raquel Ibañez, Miriam Giovanelli, Aretha Fuste,
Anna Padilla, Ariadna Tapia and Ali Alameda.
Beauty influencers: Which post has been the most notable of the campaign?
If we search for the campaign’s hashtag on Instagram, we find writing a sales textmore than 50 posts. But which of them has worked best?
Results offered by Influencity software
Among the top publications of the campaign we highlight 2 main ones:
First of all, and as the top post of all, it is without a doubt, the publication of the influencer@raquelreitx.
On June 30, she uploaded a carousel to her Instagram profile with two photos of before and after applying the product so that her audience could check the real effectiveness of the product to be promoted.
Over $11,000.45 in Earned Media, almost 60,000 interactions and a total of 14.56% engagement!
Results provided by Influencity software for @raquelretix’s post
Although she has a higher number of Social Reach than @raquelreitx, the engagement of the next prominent influencer, the actress@miriamgiovanelli, is much lower: 3.67%.
Influencers wipe Overall, the Maybelline campaign has achieved very colombia business directory positive results thanks
to the posts published with the hashtag #LoBorraTodo and the type of photography that shows the effectiveness of the Maybelline eraser.
If you want to join the power of social media influence and create a social media campaign with influencers in your sector,Contact usand we’ll take care of the rest. We’ll be waiting for you!