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Take care of your diet

SPF50 protection on both the body and face for the first tans, then lowered to SPF30 factors in the long term. By doing this you eliminate the risk of burning in the sun and damaging your skin, avoiding the very annoying tan that peels off and then leaves your skin tanned in patches . Take care of your diet Did you know that some foods promote tanning and stimulate the production of new skin cells? They are those with a high content of beta-carotene , a substance contained in carrots, tomatoes, apricots and green leafy vegetables typical of the summer period. Layer after layer, make it dull and uneven. but it also pampers .

Another valid remedy

to promote skin regeneration Japan Telegram Number Data and cell turnover are foods rich in vitamins A and C, contained in fruit and fatty fish such as mackerel and salmon. Take tanning supplements Vitamins of groups A, C and E are also part of the formulation of tanning supplements , to be taken a few months before exposure to the sun, starting in spring. These vitamins are precursors of collagen and retinol , fundamental components for skin health.Before exposing yourself to the sun, follow our advice to prepare your skin , both on your face and body, for tanning.

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Always seek medical

They also have an antioxidant action , i.e. they reduce oxidative Bosnia And Herzegovina Phone Number List stress, responsible for the premature aging of skin cells. You can find tanning supplements on our site, and receive them conveniently at home from the nearest pharmacy. All advice contained in this article is for informational purposes only and does not replace the advice of a specialist. advice before taking any medication. Sources: Use sunscreen Be careful of sunburn! Let’s remember that, regardless of our phototype, the skin will always be more exposed to redness during the first sunbathing.

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