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The minimum quality index

The minimum quality index units there no upper limit. For example wikipia has an ics of over thousand but th site dtinguh by enormous traffic. Optimizers say that resources with traffic over – thousand per day receive a quality index in the range of – thousand units. How to find out the k of a site in yandex online if you want to find out the site’s k in yandex online you can use the following link https webmaster. Yandex. Ru sqi host in th case the address of your resource. Unregter users can pass the verification.

An optimization specialt

The above link helps to find out the ics of any site. If the site connect to yandex.Webmaster then you can add the x icon. Uploading via api available for which you ne to have access to the site. How to interpret the results site ics in yandex recommendations mobile app development service for checking and improving the indicatorthe site’s usefulness index must interpret correctly cause the value of the value and indicators depends on the type of resource. The yandex team when implementing ics did not divide resources – the indicator the same for everyone. Directly relat to the resource cause an online store cannot put.

However the relevance of the indicators

On the same level as an online encyclopia or virtual forum ics for sites of general importance important but it worth carrying out internal classification. If you checking an online store then the information and conversion components of the pages come B2B Phone List to the fore – from prices to product descriptions; for ucational informational and entertainment portals viewing depth internal transitions and the amount of time the user spent on the resource pages important determines priority indicators.

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