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What’s left is traffic they’ve already gotten

Enter the space as well. This situation will lead to a relatively large proportion of bank cashback. We’ll take our customers from you too. Who will benefit from it for me. The cash back service is a loyal community builder. That means this is not a promo code generator. Rather, it has a community of millions of loyal users. It turnit out that somewhere nearby there was a webmaster trying to extort customers of the cash back service. And earn the same money from the money the cashback program leaves to the user. I believe loyal users of cash back services deserve their premium. Therefore. There will be a battle for new customers. We are ready to keep fighting.

Roundtable Attribution Types and Sales

Theft Multi-Channel Attribution Isn’t Hard to Do certainly. We will be ready to support advertisers who want to switch to other attribution types. We are at home. I represent both. We are closely monitoring the cashback situation. As i said. Total rebate share of all affiliate traffic below these are cashbacks for Latest Mailing Database working with us. In large. I can name five. They at least offer some solid amounts. The rest are just kids who do a few sales with us every day. So we didn’t particularly emphasize the existence of cash back in the flow. Because comparit to others. It doesn’t make sense to us. At the same time. We’re looking at what happens if we.

Latest Mailing Database

Introduce different types of attribution

We also lookit at how much cashback was cannibalizing traffic from other channels. We also look at how many other webmasters are coming in and cannibalizing each other’s traffic. And includes cashback flow. The average data for cashback is . The cashback brings them approx traffic. from another channel. What we are saying now is. This is the last person. That is, father. Regular webmasters bring in their own traffic. The rest he didn’t steal from anyone. It steals our B2B Phone List organics. Namely those organics that go straight but are already hanging there. Naturally. We sometimes lose.

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