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How to increase your site traffic using Instagram

The best methods and tools for inserting links to your site and products, directly from your company’s Instagram profile. It is one of the most loved social networks of the moment, if not the absolute favorite among young and old, for entertainment and more. So, why not take advantage of all the opportunities it offers you? Among the various possibilities, you cannot overlook the idea of ​​using Instagram to increase traffic to your site. With a user base of more than 111 million people in the world and 34 million active people in Italy (of which 19 million can be reached by advertising), Instagram, as a social network, is in fourth position in terms of use, after YouTube , Facebook and Whatsapp. Reading this data it would seem really obvious and simple to use this platform to increase traffic to your site. But is it really like that?

How to use Instagram

How to use Instagram to get more traffic to the site? Compared to other social networks, in reality, Instagram allows the insertion of a single link and only in the bio . So your site can only appear once and only in the small description box. Disappointed? Maybe you were already ready to optimize your account to increase traffic with Instagram and, oops… you’re wondering: how can I attract customers if I can’t link to my site in posts? Don’t panic, there are specific solutions and strategies that allow you to achieve this goal. Otherwise, how would many companies take advantage of their Instagram account to sell through e-commerce ? Because, all things considered, increasing traffic with Instagram is possible.

So let's see the main tactics

So let’s see the main tactics for inserting the link to your site. how to insert links on instagram posts and stories How to insert multiple site links on Instagram To increase traffic with Instagram it is essential to B2B Phone List understand how the platform works . It won’t be enough for you to put a few links here and there, but you will have to encourage people to click on them . Although Instagram only allows the insertion of the link in the bio, you can also make good use of this space to gain traffic. Let’s see specifically what the methods are for inserting links on Instagram and where it is possible to place them. Biography As we said, this is the place for the quintessential link . Here you can insert the direct link to the site. Ma non trascurare la sua parte descrittiva: scrivi un testo breve e incisiva, sfruttando le emoji.

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