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Website Usability Is, Examples, and Checklist

This article, we will discuss what factors make a Website Usability Is website user-friendly and why this is important for the success of online projects.

Why it is important to pay attention to usability principles when creating websites

Any website is created with a specific purpose. Even a classic business card website aims to introduce the visitor to the company and smoothly phone number library lead him from acquaintance to the first live contact. There are several important indicators that Website Usability Is are especially strongly influenced by the usability of the site.

Increasing conversion . High-quality and well-designed navigation encourages the user to perform target actions: call contact numbers, download a price list, order a product, call a surveyor or book a place. Here it is necessary to take into account Website Usability Is  the psychology of the buyer and structure the information in such a way that the user does not get lost and is not distracted from their goals. This is especially relevant at the moment, since the demand for quick information suggests that usability is about simplicity and accessibility. For example, if the main page does not clearly indicate the company’s area of ​​activity or does not provide clear navigation, the user can quickly leave the site. The lack of useful content can also lead to the loss of potential customers.

Increased traffic . The user returns only to the places where he felt comfortable and easy. Therefore, it is important that the entire interface, texts and sequence of actions are intuitive for the user. You should always remember that any user has a huge choice among your competitors. It costs him nothing to close your site and go to another tab. Moreover, most often users initially open from 3 to 5 tabs from the search results, choosing the most convenient among them. Usability analysis allows you to identify the shortcomings of the current site and improve it in order to increase conversion and attract new users.

What usability principles should be taken into account when developing a web resource

Each area has its own peculiarities of resource development, but simple usability of websites that correspond to generally accepted principles is valued everywhere.

Simple and clear design . First of all, the site is assessed from a visual point of view. Do not overload the visual with many why business needs financial accounting: three reasons details and color accents. It is especially important to avoid the welder effect, when there is too much contrast and bright elements. Everything should be focused on the convenience of perceiving information. Recommendations:

  • Use minimalist design.
  • The main palette should contain no more than three main colors.
  • All fonts are clear and legible, without much kerning (space between letters).
  • The buttons are large and adapted to mobile screens.

Logical content structure. One of the key points that ensures the usability of websites is the ease of reading texts. It is necessary to structure the information in such a way that the user can easily navigate the page. Recommendations:

  • Break your text into sections.
  • Use headings of different levels.
  • Whenever possible, present the information in list form.

Distribution of important information

When designing a web page, it is important to consider the F-shaped pattern of the user’s gaze: their list of us mobile phone numbers attention is concentrated in the upper left corner and limited to the first paragraphs of text. Therefore, placing key information in this area increases the likelihood that the site visitor will quickly find the necessary data after reading the main part of the content.

User interaction . It is important to inform a person about all actions on the site: successful registration, order confirmation, and also in case of errors, for example, a page with a 404 error. The user should always be aware of what is happening and have access to detailed information about further steps. Recommendations:

  • Guide the visitor using buttons.
  • Create a responsive design with pop-ups after important actions.
  • Offer an alternative if something is not available (e.g. similar products).

Cancellation option. The user should be given the option to cancel or change their actions. The usability of the site is a very important factor. The absence of buttons to return to previous actions or cancel the order can cause negative emotions in the user. For example, social networks often provide the option to restore a deleted page, and online stores allow you to change or cancel orders after they have been placed.

Subtle offer of help . It is important to offer help to the user, but not insist on it. Large pop-up windows or intrusive banners can scare off the visitor and interfere with the use of the site’s functionality. Therefore, offers of help should be discreet and easily hidden.

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