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What is Value Marketing? How Does Influencers Support It?

It is easy to find companies that boast about their values. They present them in the form of manifestos on the walls and publish them on websites. Often, it is just an illusion… In her book “Value Marketing”, Justyna Bakalarska presents the experiences of companies that not only talk about it, but actually act like it – bas! on new management models, social sensitivity and the idea of ​​value marketing.

About the author Justyna Bakalarska

Value Marketing is not only about delivering value to the company’s Client, but uk email list also creating value within the organization and offering it to society . Inspiring stories of Polish companies that believe that business has a more importance of traditional marketing important task to fulfill than just making money, and that people are the greatest value in it .

Is the goal of a company solely and exclusively profit? Do Value Marketing?  companies exist solely to generate revenue and create new products and services? Should an employee be solely concern! with work and earnings? Can these lob directory questions be answer! with only “YES” today?

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We ask! the author of the book “Marketing Values”, Justyna Bakalarska, about the role of values ​​in marketing, how to recognize what our company represents, who prosumers are and how influencers can contribute to the development of values ​​and support corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities.

Monika Kuchta: How have values ​​evolv! and what role do they currently play in marketing?

Justyna Bakalarska: Values ​​in business or even marketing are nothing new. In ancient times, philosophical debates were held on the differences between the art of making money and the art of management, and philanthropists who spread the idea of ​​charity appear! centuries ago.

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