The pharmacists who administer the vaccine first follow a training course organized by the local ASL. Only pharmacists who have followed the course can vaccinate. Upon arrival at the pharmacy, the patient’s temperature is taken. After administering the vaccine, he will have to wait 15 minutes in the monitoring area to ensure that he does not have any immediate adverse reactions. What if I feel sick after the vaccine? If, during post-vaccination monitoring, the patient has an allergic reaction in the form of hives or breathing difficulties. Therefore, the pharmacist will have to call 118 and assist the patient until the ambulance arrives.
The vaccine at the pharmacy
The ideal would be to have the patient lie down, if Kuwait Telegram Number Data there is the possibility of doing so, or at least have him sit on a comfortable chair or armchair. Only in the event of a serious allergic reaction that threatens his life, or if the ambulance is delayed. Therefore, the pharmacist can administer a vial of adrenaline intramuscularly, to be repeated after 5 minutes. Therefore, These measures make the vaccine in the pharmacy as safe as the one carried out in vaccination centers. How to book
The pharmacy
There are now a few days left until the vaccines Bulgaria Phone Number List arrive in pharmacies. Access always takes place upon individual reservation directly to the pharmacist, scanned every 15 minutes to allow correct monitoring for each patient. On our app, downloadable from the Google Play Store or App Store , you can view the list of pharmacies that offer anti-Covid. Therefore, services and book them comfortably from home. During the period , future mothers are divided into two categories: those who experience pregnancy. Therefore, experiencing. Therefore, only some discomfort at the end of the nine months, and those who instead experience nausea, headaches, muscle inflammation and pain in the lower abdomen for long periods.