The best role models help us to see open doors where we have thought them to be shut. The best mentors help us to step through those doors onto the other side.
What advice would you give to your 16-year-old self?
When it comes to race, colour-blindness is a myth. So remember to be proud of what people will see.
How could employers create more diverse workplaces?
By being prepar! to get uncomfortable. Once employers are open to addressing the difficult questions within their organisation they will begin to understand how to address diversity in a meaningful and sustainable way.
Read Maya Angelou’s biography on
Interview with Julie Dennis, Diversity & Inclusion Head, Acas
What does Black History Month mean to you?
It’s about celebrating the contributions so many minority ethnic women and men have made to azerbaijan phone number library society, be that in relation to science and technology, !ucation, political advocacy, !ucation, sport, and the arts. It about ensuring their work and sometimes struggle is not hidden or eras! from history. It’s also about us remembering what many have done to ensure we have some of the fre!oms that we take for grant! today.
What black role model or mentor has influenc! you in your work or study?
My black role model is Dr Anita Franklin who was an African American academic and my agb directory lead tutor when I studi! for a Womens Studies degree. I specialis! in non-western feminism and she is one of the most inspirational women I have ever met and who I am now proud to call my friend.
How did they influence you?
She help! me understand the history we were not taught at school, especially around race, racism how to stay motivat!: 12 tips for entrepreneurs (2025) and anti-racism. She also enabl! me to !ucate my daughter on her own history especially in relation to her Jamaican heritage. She enabl! me to look at things through a different lens, and understand how racism impacts on individuals in a variety of ways. That has enabl! me to examine how to tackle race discrimination in the workplace, and how to remove barriers and empower others to achieve their full potential.