Brands that consider working with influencers often have a lot of doubts and concerns. They have heard that influencer advertising can be very effective and achieve great goals, but they are not very clear about what they
can expect from this strategy.
The profession of influencer is relatively new
And if we add to this the fact that the figure of the influencer has grown mainly around a social network like Instagram
where “posturing” prevails, it is normal that the perception of influencers is somewhat distorted:
- That if they are freeloaders
- What if they spend all day taking photos and eating in restaurants with the money that brands pay them?
- That if they receive many gifts…
The reality is thatThe life of influencers is not as pretty as they gambling data turkeypaint it, and that behind every successful profile there is a lot of work and dedication.
In order to clear up all these myths once and for all and to set realistic expectations for brands – both those who believe
that working with influencers is pointless and those who hope to get an avalanche of sales with their first campaign –
we are going to review the main issues that can lead to confusion.
After clarifying these points, we hope you have a much clearer idea of what you can expect from working with influencers.
Myths and questions about working with influencers
If you have many followers you are an influencer
The number of followers is not the variable to consider when classifying someone as an influencer, but rather the quality
of the content they share and the interaction it provokes in their audience.
Furthermore, since in many cases that number is the one that many use to grant themselves authority, buying followers is quite common .
So, for the account owner’s sake, this data may be useful, but from the seo promotion for beginners: basic principles and first steps point of view of the advertiser who is risking his budget on a campaign, being guided by such a vague criterion is a mistake.
Thetrue influencersNetwork users are not measured exclusively influencers: myths by the number of followers. In addition to a sufficiently large audience, they must also provide credibility and quality in their content.
An influencer does whatever as long as a brand pays him
Obviously there may be cases where this is the case, but a professional influencer who prides himself on being one, not only looks out for his pocket, but also for his audience .
Credibility is an influencer’s most valuable asset. If their followers colombia business directory interpret the account as having become a message board, the owner’s glory days are beginning to count down. Therefore:
- Good influencers don’t accept any campaign or any message, but only those that can add value to their fan base.
- Thanks to this attitude they get greater engagement
- These are the influencers worth working with
It is also important that when selecting an influencer you take into account what values their image is associated
with or identified with , since these same values are the ones that will also be associated with your brand.