Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has published a letter to the community of the portal ! in which he focuses on the vision of the service and building a global community. He writes about the portal not so much about business activity! the goal of which is after all profit! but about the power of users. He asks one of the most important questions for each of us – are we building the world we would like?
In the text! the entrepreneur emphasizes that history is a story about how we learned to spain email list live in ever greater numbers – from generations to cities and nations. At every step! we build “social infrastructure” such as communities! media and governments that allow us to achieve things that we would not be able to achieve on our own. Facebook also influences the building of such communities! and its users have become a digital civilization. As Zuckerberg writes! for the past 10 years! the portal has focused on connecting friends and family. Another goal will be to develop a social infrastructure for support! information! safety and civic engagement. According to the entrepreneur! the community of the portal is you’re going overboard with ai currently a larger project than many organizations or companies and lists five pillars of the Facebook community.
Supporting the community
Facebook’s goal is to strengthen communities! both online and offline ! and to enable the creation of completely new ones that transcend the boundaries of physical location. Supporting them online can have an impact on how we approach them in life. The creator of the portal emphasizes that building a global community begins with building smaller! intimate social structures that we cuba leads relate to on
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er emotions and spiritual needs. Whether they are churches! communities! to create sports teams or other groups! they matter to us. Some time ago! it was verified that users of the portal belong to over 100 million different “meaningful” groups” ! which have become the most important part of our experience of social networks. Zuckerberg points out that there is an even greater chance to connect these groups in life as well.
Facebook has over a billion active users
But most of them do not have to look for groups on their own! because they are suggested to them by friends on the portal. As Zuckerberg writes! if we could improve our suggestions and help connect people with meaningful communities! it could strengthen us. Facebook will measure progress based on “meaningful groups”! not all existing ones. This will help not only in joining existing groups! but also in creating new ones that will connect people. Zuckerberg declares that there are plans to create more tools that will strengthen the position of leaders in groups! and that this path will be developed! as was the case with Pages. Smaller communities will not be left out when it comes to development.