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Correlations between high blood pressure and Covid-19

If on the one hand Covid-19, in its most active and powerful form, is correlated to the development of arterial hypertension in subjects. Therefore, already predisposed (due to family history, age, congenital diseases or bad habits), post-vaccination high blood. Therefore, pressure should be classified as a slightly different context. The Italian Journal of Cardiology , at the beginning of 2022, in fact raised the hypothesis. Therefore, that the Spike proteins contained in vaccines. Therefore, may interact with the receptors of the angiotensin converting enzyme and that, in some cases, they may limit degrade their activity. However, the same study claims. Therefore, that cases of post-vaccine arterial hypertension are often short and limited and rarely develop acute or chronic forms .

The face of Covid-19 remains

Not only that: a report which analyzes New Zealand Mobile Number Database the cases of hypertension documented following vaccination (in particular that with mRNA vaccines) specifies that these are often consequences linked to the white coat effect , i.e. the fear of the doctor and medicines. Therefore, or to situations of stress and nervousness. And, in fact, stress , anxiety and worries. Therefore, have had a decisive impact on a large part of the population, vaccinated and not: the realization of the fragility of our body in. Therefore, even today.

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The most important

thing to do is to never minimize Armenia Phone Number List the situation. The human body is like a machine: every gear must work perfectly to ensure that everything goes well. This means that at the first signs of arterial hypertension the first thing to do is, always and in any case, contact the doctor. To identify high blood pressure, unmistakable symptoms include tinnitus , headache , nosebleeds , lightheadedness , buzzing and vision -dimming problems . a good rule of thumb is to measure. Therefore, your blood pressure as soon as one or more of these discomforts occur, write down. Therefore, the results and communicate them to your doctor. Based on the results, the doctor could recommend a targeted therapy based on the patient’s status (treatments for high blood pressure during pregnancy , for example, are very specific). The therapy will be accompanied by advice which will concern,

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