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Does Amp Affect Website Seo Accelerated Mobile

Search engine optimization is a series of positive actions that can be taken to rank high in search results. If you want to become more visible in search engines, it’s time to consider the AMP format.

Have you heard anything about mobile website speed? It turns out that the AMP format is responsible for this. In this article, we will check whether it actually affects the position of your website in search results.

Accelerated Mobile Pages, or AMP for short, stands for an open-source coding standard and is designed to improve mobile websites. This format creates websites that load much faster than others. You could say that these are stripped down versions of an HTML page.

How Does Amp Affect Website Positioning

Website loading speed is extremely important in Google rankings Ws Database because mobile responsiveness is the main factor that affects your website’s position in search results.

However, it is not only about algorithms. Website speed is primarily important for a positive user experience. Therefore, if your website loads slowly and your audience starts to leave, it may be worth investing in the AMP format.

What is the difference between AMP-based websites and other websites?
Remember that the AMP format is a simplification of the traditional HTML page. This makes you use a simplified version of CSS and you cannot apply JavaScript to your site.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Amp Format

When you create a page using the AMP format, you only have the generic JavaScript library B2b Phone List at your disposal. This means that a website’s loading speed and readability take precedence over everything else.

If you use WordPress on your website, you can easily convert your pages to AMP there by using the AMP WordPress plugin and following the on-screen installation instructions. If you don’t use this tool, you can go to the original AMP page for more information on how to integrate it yourself using hard code. Unfortunately, it may take a little longer than with WordPress, but you’ll see that it’s worth it.

Therefore, when creating a professional and extensive website that fulfills many functions, Web Developers always work with both the standard HTML markup language and a programming language.

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