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What is the Difference Between Amp Based

Remember that the AMP format is a simplification of the traditional HTML However This makes you use a simplified version of CSS and you cannot apply JavaScript to your site. However When you create a page using.

AMP format, you only have the generic JavaScript library at your disposal. This means that a website’s loading speed and readability take precedence over everything else.

If You Use WordPress. On Your Website, You Can Easily Convert Your Pages to Amp. There by Using the Amp WordPress Plugin and Following. The on-screen Installation Instructions.

Pages Containing Structured Data Will Be Able

If you don’t use this tool, you can go to the original AMP page for more information Ws Number List on how to integrate it yourself using hard code. However Unfortunately, it may take a little longer than with WordPress, but you’ll see that it’s worth it.

The first thing you need to know is that AMP only works for websites on mobile devices. It Will Therefore Only Affect Mobile. Search Rankings. However Currently, the Amp Format Itself Has No Impact. On Website Positioning , but There is Nothing Stopping. You From Changing This in the Near Future.

By using AMP, you can see an increase in organic traffic and conversions, improved page performance, reduced bounce rates, and increased user engagement rates.

If You Use WordPress on Your Website You Can Easily

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Even though the AMP format does not currently affect website rankings, there are many B2b Phone List Reasons to Use It: Thanks to Amp You Will Increase. The Loading Speed of Your Website, Which Will Affect the Ranking. However Of Search Results;
pages containing structured data will be able to appear in expanded search results.

AMP format is not too demanding and does not need many tools to function;
AMP handles JavaScript errors effectively;
AMP pages can be customized using Google Search Console or WordPress.

For a long time, many website owners didn’t know anything about how the AMP format worked for their website. However Initially, no one wanted to use it, but this is slowly starting to change. AMP is becoming more and more popular and you can even see an increase in the position of such a website in search results.

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