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E-commerce: why it is essential for your business

From the results of 2020 to the prospects for 2021, find out why choose e-commerce for your business. The business of the future is increasingly digital and mobile . Online shopping continues to grow. as does the number of people who rely on web searches to satisfy their needs. A growth that has already been announced for some years and which has undergone a real explosion. also due to the health emergency caused by the Coronavirus. The impossibility of moving and visiting the various shops has contributed. to bringing even those who had not yet embraced the idea of ​​buying on the web to e-commerce .

Similarly, companies that until a few months ago only managed their business offline. to continue offering products and services to customers and not slow down. in terms of turnover, have opened their online shop. Let’s see, therefore, the results of 2020 and the prospects for e-commerce in 2021 .

The results of e-commerce in 2020

A year, 2020, of real turning point for digital commerce . If until 2019 we could talk about a thriving market. With great margins for growth, last year the definitive consecration. Arrived in the economic panorama, not only in Italy. Latest Database In fact, in the last twelve months, the numbers recorded by online sales. Have become very close to those offline, incredibly narrowing . The margin of difference between earnings. In italy, e-commerce in 2020 recorded:

A gain of 58.6 billion ,
An increase in revenues of 3.5 billion euros, or + 6.3% compared to 2019 ,
An increase in its weight on the total turnover of Italian companies. Reaching a value of 19.2% and placing third. Among the 99 Italian economic activities with the greatest impact on turnover.

The advantages of e-commerce for companies

Therefore, one thing is certain, the pandemic caused by covid-19. Has contributed to changing our habits as consumers too. We have become virtual consumers . B2B Phone List More accustomed to choosing from an online shop window . Than touching a product firsthand, more inclined to take advice. From reviews on the web than from the opinion of in-store clerks . More willing to make a digital payment than to use cash . And if users have adapted to cope with a new reality, companies have not stood by and watched. Many entrepreneurs, regardless of the sector. Have decided to open an e-commerce or enhance their online store .

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