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Google Ads, Microsoft Ads & Other Advertising Accounts

If search marketing is part of your digital marketing arsenal, then you are probably using Google Ads, Microsoft Ads or social media ads (like Facebook or LinkedIn). An online marketing provider can easily connect to your Google AdWords account via their Master Client Center (MCC), which is a dashboard to manage multiple accounts. Again, you own the account while granting administrative access.

One word of caution we’ve learned from experience: if your Google Ads account is poorly constructed (a mish-mash of keywords scattered across ad groups) or your account-level quality scores are low, then reconstruction of the account may be necessary. Even so, the same admin access guidelines apply.

SEO Management Tools

The best SEO tool (in my opinion) is Google Search Console. While Web Analytics provides insight into how your visitors behave on your website, Search Console provides insight into how your website performs in search before visitors land on your site.

Formerly called Google Webmaster whatsapp mobile number list Tools, Search Console shares info on your website’s overall health (e.g., crawl errors, number of pages indexed, duplicate, missing, or incomplete metadata) as well as how well your site is appearing in organic search including rich snippets when using schema.

Here’s why I’m such a big fan: you get this information directly from Google. While the data is limited, you still get incredible data, such as:

My suggestion is that you mine Search Console and Google Analytics first before investing in a third-party SEO tool. If you’re ready to move on to the next step, we often recommend Moz; the system tracks keywords, rankings, and links.

8. Sales Automation & Email Systems

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Company pages on social media platforms (like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkIn, etc) should be attach to a principal’s personal page or someone who is truste within your business. If you outsource social media management, you grant individual user access to each social network.

However, we recommend using a social media management tool like HootSuite. This tool provides great flexibility and various B2B Phone List levels of account access. Also, consider the implications of having an employee as the “face” of your brand on social media channels. If they quit, then what? The point is to have a contingency plan and organize who has access to what systems.


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