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The disease transmitted by sandflies that affects humans and animals

Leishmaniasis is a parasitic disease caused by protozoa of the Leishmania genus, which affects both humans and domestic animals, particularly dogs and cats. The disease comes in several forms, including: Cutaneous leishmaniasis : characterized by skin lesions, ulcers and nodules that appear at the site of infection. This form is the most common and, if left untreated, can cause permanent, disfiguring scarring. Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis : causes ulcers on both the skin and mucous membranes of the nasal, oral and pharyngeal cavities.


If left untreated

It can lead to severe tissue damage USA Mobile Number Database and facial deformities. Visceral leishmaniasis : Also known as kala-azar , it is the most serious and potentially fatal form of the disease. It mainly affects internal organs, such as the liver, spleen, and bone marrow, causing fever, weight loss, organ enlargement, and anemia. Leishmaniasis is widespread in over 98 countries , mainly in tropical and subtropical regions, with an estimated annual incidence of 1.5-2 million new cases in humans. personal protection from sandfly bites, and education and awareness about the disease and prevention measures. These measures include control of sandfly vectors through the use of insecticides and traps, personal protection with the use of insect repellents and mosquito nets.

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Vaccination and treatment

Sandflies, insect vectors of the genus Phlebotomus Cameroon Phone Number List and Lutzomyia , are responsible for transmitting the parasite to vertebrate hosts, including humans and animals. When an infected sandfly bites a healthy individual, they transmit the parasite through their saliva. Although leishmaniasis is not a highly contagious disease among humans, its spread is growing due to factors such as climate change, urbanization and international travel. Knowledge of leishmaniasis and its implications for public and animal health is essential to prevent and control the expansion of this disease. Prevention and control : Understanding the life cycle of the parasite and the transmission process of leishmaniasis allows us to identify the most effective measures to prevent and control the disease.

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