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The Usual Suspects

Case: VT-metall

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So, what is the “head of the family”, that is, the investor, the owner of the company?

  • An investor company phone number list that has manag , to earn enough money in a big business, and now wants to have its own salon, giving pleasure to itself and its staff.
  • An investor company from a relat , business sector, for example, fitness. Such companies consider beauty salons as an opportunity to expand the range of their own services.
  • Co-owners of a business.
  • Former salon managers.
  • Business lady.
  • “Successful” housewives.

For almost all of the above ‍storytelling is an essential categories of people, the salon is first and foremost a business. That is, they are interest ,, first of all, in making a profit on the funds invest , in the business. But any business, like a family, ne ,s a competent manager.

What is the primary cause of misunderstandings and conflicts between the owner and the manager?

Most often, the problem is that the investor formulates the requirements for the manager incorrectly. If we return to the “marriage jiangsu mobile phone number list of convenience”, the participants set their preferr , conditions from the very beginning. Someone ne ,s a handsome and young spouse, and intelligence is not of particular importance. Someone ne ,s a thrifty wife or a reliable business partner. Everything is individual.

Recommend , articles on this topic:

  • Website for a beauty salon: why you can’t do without it
  • Inspection of beauty salons: how, when and by whom it is possible
  • Beauty salon interior: from general principles to specific examples

By this analogy, it is important to understand who exactly you ne , in the company. If the owner plans to manage it himself, then he can easily get by with one manager who will carry out his instructions. If the owner is busy with something else, understands little about this business, does not know how to run a business, then he ne ,s a competent leader, a top manager, experienc , and  ,ucat ,, who can be entrust , with solving important tasks. If you do not follow all the rules necessary in this case, there is a risk of not achieving the set goals, and the motivation of the hir , manager will decrease.

Let’s figure out who can be satisfi , with a “marriage of convenience” with an investor, who is ready to be responsible for the results of someone else’s business, who consciously agrees to “run the household, raise naughty children, please the spouse and keep an account of every ruble spent on running the household? Who can be a manager?

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