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Tone of voice: how to choose the right one

7 mistakes to avoid when defining your brand’s tov + 3 good practices. Beyond good writing and good content. Every brand wants to be recognized, remembered and take on human traits and tone. Why? Very simple, people trust other people more than companies .This is why it is necessary to work on the verbal identity of your company. The point is that in written communications. There is no body language, there is no intonation and not even the emotional component. Or rather, it isn’t there until you add all these elements thanks to the tone of voice .

Mistakes to avoid in the ToV

Tov is not a matter of personal taste, it depends on how you want to gain the audience’s attention . Special Data Try to think about how many messages surround us every day from different brands. How many do you remember? Often you only remember the usual brands and the others end up forgotten. This is because, even before making ineffective choices at a marketing level. They most likely haven’t defined a real tone of voice. And perhaps have stumbled into some typical errors when talking about tov. Here are 7 practices that are best to stay away from when defining your tone of voice. Let’s make a premise: communication is strictly connected to the perception. To the interpretation of the message received . Depending on character, culture, lifestyle and emotions. Each person receives information and experiences it differently.

Don't listen

It may seem trivial to you, yet, when defining how you will speak to your customers, you must listen to them first . The passage is obligatory. B2B Phone List Listening and speaking in a balanced manner is the basis for effective interaction . And not only that, it’s also the starting point for your tone of voice. Paying attention to the requests and needs of your target will avoid you falling into the trap.  Of making a choice based more on what you like, without taking into account the people you have to deal with. If you want your tov to be the right one, useful for representing you.  But also for making yourself understood. You must be able to welcome the information arriving from the public and process it. Don’t make assumptions, instead ask questions . Investigate interests, get to know who you are in front of, discover opinions. This aspect will not only be useful in the phase of defining the tone of voice.  But also to have ideas on contents, services and in general on your brand’s proposals.

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