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We recommend: 10 business leadership books that every manager should read .

Buffett is also often seen going in We recommend the opposite direction to people who are making huge amounts of money by following conventional wisdom. While he is sometimes wrong in the short term, he is usually right in the m.ium and long term.

In 2010, he and Bill Gates propos. that the wealthy devote at least half their wealth to charity. In a letter to Fortune magazine In short, the distribution of the advantages of fate is very capricious.”

Mary Kay Ash

When you hear the name Mary Kay Ash , you probably think of cosmetics. Those who remember her a little better might also think of the color pink.

However, those who actually work. for and with her knew that Mary Kay was much more than that, and that beneath all this phone number database colorful extroversion was a very determin., successful, and principl. businesswoman whose ideas were sometimes years, if not decades, ahead of her time, making her a case study in business leadership.

Mary Kay Ash was a wealthy and We recommend


Successful businesswoman in a world that was, by today’s standards, quite sexist. She was the victim of gender discrimination home articles by ingate how to create a website subdomain so many times that when she finally found. her own company, her ideas about management turn. out to be quite radical.

Warren Buffett believes that giving away most of his fortune is the best way to make up for all the good fortune he has enjoy..

Some of them seem. eccentric america email list at the time, but if you look closely, you’ll see the insights of a woman who really knew how to engage and motivate people, who promot. them according to their skills rather than their gender, and who car. about the work-life balance of her team decades before the term exist..


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