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Everything you need to know before doing Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is a type of strategy that involves someone – the influencer – inspiring or recommending other people to take a certain action in favor of a brand or company. How do they do it? Influencers must have a combination of three key factors: reach, contextual credibility, and marketing savvy . The higher these three factors are, the

greater an individual’s influence potential.

HeInfluencer MarketingIt’s not new

However, it’s only now that it’s becoming more popular among marketers , who have already realized how

powerful it is, especially as an alternative to traditional advertising that can be costly and inefficient. More importantly,

consumers don’t like being inundated with traditional advertising, and pure marketing messages have less credibility

these days.

On the other hand, 92% of consumers trust opinions and recommendations based on the experience of another user. This is where influencer marketing really comes into its own.

Influencer marketing is similar to the recommendations we truemoney database make to our friends about a product we like, but with some differences:

      • First of all, this is not a spontaneous act . It is the companies that take the initiative to encourage certain users to carry out recommendation actions towards their product.
      • Secondly, the users who recommend are not chosen at random, but carefully selected based on the communities they have behind them and the impact that such a recommendation can generate in them.

Therefore, Influencer Marketing is born from a natural act such as recommending something you are satisfied with, but it takes it a step further, carefully studying both the person what you need to know about targeted advertising in vk for different niches who acts as the prescriber and the audience that will receive their message.



When Influencer Marketing was born

The origins of influencer marketing are directly linked to the birth and expansion of social media.

Once networks like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube became popular and massive communities were created

around a few people , marketers became aware of the power that these people could exert over their audience.


The arrival of Instagram was later and, however, as we have already mentioned, theInstagram Influencer MarketingIt has become one of the favorites for carrying out promotional actions through influencers.

The generation of content through social networks has a very different effect than that produced by traditional advertising.



How influencer marketing differs from other forms of online advertising

Influencer Marketing Internet advertising has a major advantage colombia business directory over advertising through traditional channels such as television or radio: the public does not feel overwhelmed.

However, advertising is just that: advertising. The audience knows that you want to sell them something and in many cases they ignore it.

While traditional online advertising formats have very limited effectiveness, influencer marketing records spectacular engagement figures. The reason?

    • The message comes from someone you follow, admire, or have an affinity with.
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