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What you need to know

What are the main side effects of hormone replacement therapy? By following a natural hormone replacement therapy, i.e. simply aimed at making up for the hormones that the body no longer produces. Therefore, due to menopause, the side effects are few and mild. In some cases they resemble classic menstrual symptoms , with cramps, breast tenderness or back pain. However, a lot depends on when therapy is started. The ideal would be, always following the gynecologist’s instructions, to evaluate a perimenopause path (i.e. in the phase immediately following the definitive interruption of menstruation) that accompanies. Therefore, the actual menopause with constant monitoring of the hormones to be replaced supplemented, which minimizes unwanted effects.


Then there is the quantity

of hormones and their combination to Taiwan Mobile Number Database consider. For example, if the doctor recommends a therapy based on low-dose vaginal products (ovules, creams or rings) the side effects are rare and minor. If, however, it suggests taking systemic. Therefore, hormone therapy in the form of tablets or patches, the doses of hormones are higher and common side effects increase .  Depression. Furthermore, in some cases, hormone. Therefore, replacement therapy during menopause. Therefore, can cause weight gain or loss. Because by acting on hormones it stimulates or inhibits appetite.

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Any persistent symptom

or one that seems to become more intense or Austria Phone Number List serious should be reported to the doctor, who will evaluate a possible interruption or replacement of therapy. In which cases is HRT recommended for menopause? If the symptoms of menopause become annoying, difficult to manage or irreconcilable with everyday life, HRT is the best solution. This, moreover, makes it possible to take hormone replacement therapy in early menopause : it all depends on the co-presence of critical symptoms and the doctor’s indications. In general, HRT is recommended and considered safe for all women. Therefore, aged 59 years or younger, in good health and with moderate or severe menopausal symptoms.

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