Do you ne support for your strategy or on reading data regarding your website? I’m the right person!New perspectives in companies’ Content Strategy: from social networks to user interests FRANCESCO FARINELLI – 31 AUGUST 2023 content strategy Digital evolution has brought significant changes to companies’ content marketing strategies. Since Bill Gates declar that “Content is King” in 1996, the world of marketing has transform dramatically. In recent years, in particular, there has been a significant transition from the concept of ” Social Graph ” to that of ” Interest Graph “.of strategic communication planning, but it is the logic regarding diffusion, distribution and potential virality that, especially on social networks , has undergone further evolution compar to the beginning. In this article, we will explore how these new dynamics influence companies’ Content Strategy , trying to understand how companies themselves can best capitalize on this evolution.
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It all starts from Content Marketing content strategy Numerous global communication players had prict, in asia email list unsuspecting times, that true success on the web would be generat by quality content. Since then, content marketing has acquir a fundamental role in marketing strategies, becoming an enabling element to achieve the main objectives. Although it took several years to date, increasingly, companies are advis (especially in the B2B sector) to invest in quality of content, rather than quantity. An easy temptation to undertake given the pace with which social mia and the contemporary public grind and consume content on digital platforms.
However, we must also take into consideration the relative
conceptual change that has occurr within the same logics of distribution and diffusion of content, starting precisely from social platforms. Download our guide now to find out which are the most effective trends for growing your business on social mia! The concept of Social Graph The concept of ” Social Graph ” emerg following a speech by Mark Zuckerberg in 2017, a period in which this term began to gain ground and identify a precise strategy underlying the functioning of social networks. B2B Phone List The Social Graph, in fact, represents the online relationships between people and organizations, which exploit existing social networks. Initially the social mia algorithm reli on the user’s social connections to provide relevant content in the fe, coming from the pages/accounts follow and the social network preferences. .