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The Difference is in the Cost

Following the success of an email campaign to recruit new students last year, Northwestern Business College in The Difference the US is replacing some of its direct mail-based tactics with email due to its lower cost and ability to to target specific groups of potential students, such as the young workers who today represent one of the largest segments of the school.since the average number of responses obtained is similar for direct mail and e-mail, according to school representatives. 


The Difference "In the next year we will see

The amount of direct mail decrease executive email list by about 20%,” says a representative of this educational institution. On the contrary, the school has increased its spending on email marketing between 25 and 30% since last summer. It is not surprising, since a recruitment email sent this month to 30,000 prospects has achieved 232 responses. A significant response rate, especially considering that these recipients visited the school’s website, provided demographic information and identified the area of ​​study that interested them.


The Difference The average cost per

Ailing in the current campaign is B2B Phone List about $33 (37 euros), much less than the $120 (137 euros) for a direct mail campaign. This factor definitely marks the difference between both media, since the average number of responses obtained is similar for direct mail and e-mail, according to school representatives. such as the young workers who today represent one of the largest segments of the school.

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