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Less Resume and More Personal Brand

Is the experience we show in a CV still the most important thing when looking for a job? Look at Ana’s real case and how she found employment. Do you think that Personal Branding is only useful in certain sectors or professions? o Do you want to stand out in your job interviews? This is the story of Ana, one of my former students and draw your own conclusions. Less Resume Sometimes when I go to give a class or a mentorship they ask me the typical question that always generates many doubts. Is it important to enhance my personal brand even if I work in a sector where that is not valued? My answer is yes.

It doesn't matter

What sector you work in. We all want to be valued professionals who take us into account, and the main objective of a personal strategy is that same, to give you value as executive data a professional. Being a professional with a positioned and recognized brand will give you more and better opportunities as a professional. But, how do I achieve that appreciation or stand out in job interviews? With the typical resume? That document that exists in thousands in each selection process. That obsolete document where you will not be able to show your abilities or skills, unless you write them like everyone else. Is it in that document that you are going to show the value you can contribute to a company? If all you have is a Resume.

Less Resume have a problem

Therefore, I recommend this post that will be able to answer that question. However, there are other options to value yourself as a professional, and one of them is to B2B Phone List work on your personal brand. And I could tell you the same thing that you find in many other blogs on this topic. Or recommend some posts from my blog about the importance of personal branding. But not. Today I want to open a new content section. Contents about real stories of people I have met along my way, whether they are students, colleagues or acquaintances. I think it is a more natural and real way to understand the importance that a personal brand can have in your professional future.

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