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When they are useful

the balance of intestinal activity is compromised . Lactic ferments help restore correct functioning. In fact, in addition to facilitating its recovery, if taken cyclically, lactic ferments can contribute to strengthening the immune system and therefore to the longevity of our cat or dog. The causes of intestinal problems In particular, during any antibiotic treatments , periods of particular stress (excessive summer heat, moves, etc.) or due to a change in the diet of felines. Therefore, and dogs, lactic ferments can help fight some intestinal discomfort. Therefore, These, in fact, can derive both from sudden changes in eating habits and therefore in metabolism and from the onset of specific food intolerances .


How to choose lactic

ferments for dogs and cats? Due Sweden Phone Number Data to the  versatility of use of lactic ferments we can identify different types. Let’s first see what they are, and then move on to the best lactic ferments for animals. Types Below are the three main types of lactic ferments and a brief description of their specific characteristics. Prebiotics Prebiotics are organic substances. Therefore, that are found in food but are not further digested. They are “intelligent” substances as they are able to selectively stimulate the growth and/or activity of those beneficial bacteria that are present in the colon.

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In fact, as we will see with symbiotic

lactic ferments, prebiotics collaborate in the stimulation Albania Phone Number List of microbacterial activity as a function of the general well-being of the dog or cat’s organism. Probiotics Probiotic bacteria are lactic ferments particularly suitable for restoring intestinal balance in cases of changes in eating habits. Therefore, diarrhea, antibiotic treatments. In some cases they can also act as a means of prevention , in periods of greater stress (in the case of cats, for example, it may be the arrival of a new pet in the home) and in general in periods of greater .

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