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How medicated plasters work

Through our website or our app you can in fact buy from the catalog of the pharmacy closest to you or, among those in the area, from your trusted pharmacy. This way you can be sure of receiving the medicine at your home or office within 60 minutes . For this reason Pharmap is one of the very few exceptions – and by far the one with the most extensive, rapid and reliable service – for purchasing prescription medicines online (even in the case of a veterinary prescription ). The risks of purchasing medicines online When buying online there is always a higher percentage of risk, but in the case of purchasing drugs there are some specific factors that should make us think twice before continuing with the order.


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The second part of the article to learn about Spain Phone Number Data the main risks deriving from purchasing medicines online. Choosing the wrong drug Without the right expertise, it is not easy to understand which type of drug is the right remedy for your condition. Not having an expert to ask for clarification and specify the details of the discomfort, it is impossible to know with absolute certainty which product to buy. Even knowing which active ingredient to use , drugs are incredibly complex products and the choice of one product instead of another can affect the success of the treatment.

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Two medicines

that use the same active ingredient can however Cambodia Phone Number List differ in terms of qualitative and quantitative composition, pharmaceutical form, therapeutic indications and route of administration . In short, the choice of a drug should not be left to advice on a forum, but must always be accompanied by the opinion of an expert. Expired or poorly stored drugs There are many cases in which, however, you can know with reasonable certainty which drug to buy and therefore, to save money, you stock up on it by buying it online.

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