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Lactic ferments for dogs and cats

Why give lactic ferments to our dogs and cats ? We often forget that the bodies of our four-legged friends resemble ours more than meets the eye. In particular, the way we break down food, process it, assimilate it and excrete it is almost identical. Not only in the pathological sense (symptoms, disorders and intestinal discomfort) but also the way to keep it healthy is similar. What are the differences then? Well, the first evidence is that evaluating the well-being of our animals (especially if we are not experts) is not always easy or intuitive. In this article we therefore inform you on how to take care of one of the systems most sensitive to changes in health , the intestinal one , on the use and differences of lactic ferments and finally on how to “serve” them to your canine friend or your feline friend.


When to give lactic ferments to our pets? Intestinal problems Spain Phone Number Data How to choose lactic ferments for dogs and cats? Types Are human lactic ferments also good for dogs? Best lactic ferments for dogs and cats How to give lactic ferments to dogs and cats? When to give lactic ferments to our pets? As we were saying, lactic ferments can both solve and prevent many intestinal problems and imbalances . In particular, it is recommended to give lactic ferments to dogs and cats when necessary: promote the proliferation of “good bacteria” (and inhibition of “bad” ones) to strengthen the intestinal microbial flora (especially in the case of antibiotic therapies); fight or reduce parasitic infestations or inflammatory effects; increase intestinal immune defenses.

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Lactic ferments for

Animals can also be useful in case of obvious Afghanistan Phone Number List symptoms such as blood in the stool or dermatitis, but they can also reinvigorate and keep the fur (on the stomach!) of our dogs and cats healthy during periods of particular stress (high temperatures, diet, etc.). In any case, the first step is always to contact your trusted veterinarian or pharmacist , whose skills and particular knowledge of the animal in question remain irreplaceable. Intestinal problems As with humans, when our dogs or cats experience intestinal disorders such as periods of constipation or episodes of diarrhea.


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